American Transmission Company, Llc Corporate Office Headquarters

American Transmission Company, Llc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
N19 W23993 Ridgeview Pkwy.West Waukesha, WI 53187
Phone: (262)506-6700

Company Overview

American Transmission Company LLC is the first transmission only multi-state company. The organization was established in the year 2001. Offering customer oriented services the company has become one of the popular transmission utilities in United States. The company makes use of natural and fossil energy to transport electrical power from the place of manufacturing to different destinations. Services offered by the company are similar to that of interstate highway transmission. ATC provides transmission service in upward capes of Michigan. Transmission services are offered through 525 substations and 9440 miles of transmission lines. The organization has access to regional and local energy sources to offer transmission services.

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