Excel Physical Therapy Corporate Office Headquarters

Excel Physical Therapy Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
2403 South 133rd Plaza Omaha, NE 68144
Phone: (402)330-8433
Website: www.excelpt.com

Company Overview

Excel Physical Therapy is a highly reputed clinic owned by therapists. The clinic offers high quality care for various ailments related to headaches, arthritis, mobilization of scar tissues, neck or back pain, sports and related orthopedic medicine and even other pre-hab and surgical rehabilitation. They even offer special rehabilitation program for various people with physical limitations due to disease, accident or injury. The organization follows the technique of person-to-person manual therapy. They have limited their services to two patients an hour in order to provide excellent service and comprehensive care without compromising their nature and quality of service. They aim to accelerate the period of recovery.

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