La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries Corporate Office Headquarters

La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1320 Pleasant Hill Road Lawrenceville, GA 30044
Phone: (770)923-8004

Company Overview

La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries has been into making comfortable furniture throughout the world for past 82 years. They are known for recliners, long-lasting and stylish sofas, sectionals and love seats for complete comfort. This corporation's proprietary distribution channel is dedicated towards selling incorporated brands and products from La-Z-Boy. This includes 308 standalone stores as well as 502 independent comfort studios. Additionally it has in-store gallery programs at company's Kincaid, Lea and England operating units. Their product line has grown including myriad of styles and pieces and brand name to be recognized throughout the globe. Their brand name is associated with quality and comfort.

La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries Map Location

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