Wometco Enterprises Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Wometco Enterprises Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

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3195 Ponce De Leon Boulevard Floor 5 Coral Gables, FL 33134
Phone: (305)529-1400

Company Overview

Wometco Enterprises Inc is a trusted company that offers their services in entertainment. The company was founded in 1925 by Mitchell Wolfson and Sidney Meyer. Colonel Mitchell Wolfson also serves as the president of the company for near about 60 years. However, after the Second World War the company has started to offer diversified business. In 1949, they found the first television station of Florida. As of 1984, the company owns three television center, 47 cable TV systems, 45 movie theatres and many more. The company now owns Miami Seaquuarium. They also own a Baskins Robbims/Dunkin's Donuts stores based in Miami and Puerto Rico.

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