Georgia-Pacific Llc Corporate Office Headquarters

Georgia-Pacific Llc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
133 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (404)652-4000

Company Overview

Georgia-Pacific is a trusted pulp and paper company that produces and distributes paper, tissue, building products, packaging, pulp and related chemicals. It is an independently operated company of renowned Koch Industries Inc. They offer bath tissue, napkins, paper towels, cups and tableware for residential purpose and printing paper, recycled products, resins and chemicals, foodservice, fiber and wood supply for business industrial purpose. Nearly 35,000 employees offer their worldwide services from different locations. Owen Robertson Cheatham founded the company in 1927. In 2009, Georgia-Pacific won SmartWay Excellence Award of EPA. James Hannan is the president and chief executive officer of the company.

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