Stop And Shop Corporate Office Headquarters

Stop And Shop Corporate Office | Headquarters

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1385 Hancock Street Quincy, MA 02169
Phone: (800)767-7772
Reviews: 10 WRITE REVIEW

Company Overview

Stop & Shop, popularly known as Stop & Shop Supermarket Company is a chain of supermarkets. The store operates in New Jersey, New England and in New York as well. The company belongs to grocery industry, (retail). In 1892, Jeanie and Solomon Rabinovitz started a grocery shop that finally emerged as Stop & Shop and their headquarter is now located in Quincy, Massachusetts. Mentionable products that the chain delivers across the world are grocery, deli, gelatin shop, bakery, meats, pharmacy, dairy products, and seafood. Record says approximately 80,000 full-time employees now work for the organization. Net revenue earned by the company every year is $11.17 billion approximately.

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Stop And Shop Reviews

There are currently 10 consumer reviews about Stop And Shop available. Share your review.

  • By Gayle Dee - Posted on: September 23, 2020

    the coupons to restaurants that come from receipt expired in July, from Bayside, NY

  • By Brad - Posted on: September 21, 2020

    I've shopped at Stop and Shop for several years now and find it clean, courteous, and well stocked. The service industry is a difficult business, and there will never be 100% satisfaction, nonetheless Good job stop and shop keep up the old school charm.

  • By Fran - Posted on: September 17, 2020

    I shop in the west Babylon store in ny What genius thought to change the whole store around during COVID. It’s a total nightmare. Will not shop there anymore. Shame on that person.

  • By Alan - Posted on: September 17, 2020

    Spinach wilted , ice cream (premium brand ,pricey)had thawed at some point refroze , cristalized . This immediately after purchase . Store in Black Rock Ct . Product all over the place / sloppy . Poor supply of product. Fairfield Ct store double charged us and on and on .

  • By Russell Souza - Posted on: September 1, 2013

    With gas prices being so high i find it so hard to believe that there would be an eleven cent difference between your No Dartmouth store and your New Bedford store. In New Bedford we are a very low income city and your price gouging isn't helping out. I find this a real shame and should not be acceptable

  • By Ginny - Posted on: August 18, 2013

    Yesterday I went grocery shopping and they said I had 400 points the next day I went to Shell Station in North Attleboro and was told that I had no points....She then went on to tell me about their promotion....Seems to me a conflict of interest...I then had to pick up a few things (same day) went to Stop and Shop and had over 419 points....Whats up with that??? Why is Stop and Shop doing gas w/ Shell if they have their own promotion....The girl at the Shell Station said it is Stop and Shop issue they have their own promotion....

  • By Patricia Rizzo - Posted on: August 18, 2013

    Tran 94815 Terminal 12:57pm 8/18/13 11 Cashier 00167 CAROL check out person Ken Mazotas Store Mngr. Stop & Shop #623 This email is to inform Corp. that I have Never had such a horrible experience in any supermarket I have ever been in. I asked Carol the checker for paper in plastic light, she didn't respond to me at all. I then asked the bagger, can I please have paper in plastic light. Carol can back at me very rudely and said "I heard you mam! In a very Shape tone of voice! she said "I getting paper bags! In another Rude tone of voice!!! I told her I was talking to the bagger, and there was no need for her to talk to Me that way! Carol called another boy to check me out and walked away! I'm sorry but I didn't get his name. He was young with spiked up black hair. He wasn't any better at his job than Carol. Customer Service seems to be a dying concern. I asked him if security was in the store I could talk to as another customer was screaming at me from the register behind me. He was taking the black girls side. This question was ignored also. I asked the boy again and he said I don't know. I went closer to him and in a very quiet voice asked for the manager. He said now? I said Right Now! The manager came and I was shaking and crying. I asked him to Please walk me out of the store. He got another boy to walk me out who was very polite! I can't remember his name either. The manager said I would be fine and told me he was going to handle the front! Mr Mazotas seemed to be right on the ball! He was kind and did his job right away! I told Mr Mazotas I didn't want to go through the whole story with him I just wanted to get out of the store and to my car. The young man who walked me out asked me what happened and I told him the whole story. I also told him to tell Mr Mazotas know what happened. I spent over $200 in your store. I will never go back again. Sincerely, Patricia Rizzo 63 Copper Beech LN Portland, CT 06480 860 508 6337 PS I tried to call your store #623 at 860 346-0160 for over 30 mins! I kept getting the same message Customer Service will be right with you, however, my call was Never answered so I just gave up calling. I was trying to get the names of the boy who checked me out after Carol walked away. I also wanted the name of the boy who walked me to my car. I wanted to be better informed so I could pass this information on to Copr. Your time and consideration to this letter is much appreciated. Thank you.

  • By reba piper - Posted on: July 7, 2013

    The Hyde Park, NY Stop and Shop store has workers that are Rude and Hatefuu attitutes. They lie and try and cover up for each other. My honest opinion is the Store is making items on sale,charging you morte than what they are worth. When I brought back an item the girl at the service counter call over a Rude and hatefull person and saidno way woud we sell this for a dollar. The only reason it was purchaced was the fact that it was a dollar.The guy she called over took the box, walked away and came back with the label scratch partly off. Thegirl at the service counter said I didn't see the sales sticker. I handed it to her she was first to see it and than she said I don't want to get involved and lied about seeing the stickeer. The guy that scratch off the sticker than wanted to lie about it also. The Manager refused to speak with me, The scratch off guy said tell her he's in a conference call. They could call back and forth with the manager including the girl as the service counter but he was in a meeting and didn't have the time for me. Where there are lies and corruption at the top they have no choice but to hire the same kind of people in order to cover up for them. Somebody Needs To Clean Out the Hyde Park store,NY. FIRE them.

  • By Jackie - Posted on: June 11, 2013

    So I'm in stop& shop self scanning my groceries and putting them into my reuseable bags. Then I go up to the self scanner to pay for all my groceries and the employee working the self scanner area come up to me and say im going to do an audit and scan a few of your item if there are more then 5 unscanned item your shoplifting! EMBRASSING wasn't even the word. I asked her if this was a joke! then told her that she should be worring about the trash that walk in here, I pay with cash not food stamps! I WILL NEVER SHOP THERE AGAIN!!!

  • By Roxane gallant - Posted on: March 29, 2013

    This morning on trip to stop and shop lynn ma my daughter along with her 5 children ages 1 to 11 was approached by the store manager and asked to please check her 11 year old pockets. She was upset at such a request and stated that not only was she upset that she shops there almost daily and knows most of the employees by first name in and out of the store. That her children would never take what didn't belong to them. The manager stated that hears that all the time that not my child approach and insisted on her doing as she asked. She complied by not only emptying his pockets but her other children's as well. Of course thisan wasps mistaken and he simply walked away! No apology to the mother for this embarrassment is bad enough bit to not appoligze to the child after question his morality, character , honesty and dignity is just outrageous !!!! While I understand that the stores unfortunately must protect this elves from theft when you are wrong you are wrong. This youngan at such am impressionable age is taught right from wrong and to respect your elders and difficult thing to teach when a person of authority is so blantley disrespectful to you. I would hope by this review someone for cooperate office at least makes an effort to contact me to right this wrong !

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